Completed projects
Types of projects
- from national funds
- from structural funds: HORIZON 2020, SOCERT, PIP
- international projects: COSME - EU Program for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Norwegian Financial Mechanisms, FP8 (Horizon 2020), CBC Black Sea Programme, South East Europe Programme: DIVERTIMENTO, ALECTOR, SAGITTARIUS
Brief presentation of the financed projects
Projects financed by national funds
- DECIDE - Dezvoltare prin educatie antreprenoriala si cercetare inovativa doctorala si postdoctorala, code 125031, ,
Component 1: 380 Support for doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers, Priority Axis: Education and skills, Operation: Increasing the number of university and non-university tertiary education graduates who find a job as a result of access to learning/research/innovation activities at a potential job, with an emphasis on the economic sectors with competitive potential identified according to SNC and the fields of intelligent specialization according to SNCDI
Duration of project implementation: 36 months.
The objective of the project - "DECIDE - Development through entrepreneurial education and innovative doctoral and postdoctoral research" seeks to increase the employability of higher education graduates (doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers), especially in economic sectors with competitive potential and in the fields of intelligent specialization; increasing the relevance of education and training systems on the labor market through the development of personalized, quality educational programs; the development of human capital from research-development-innovation and the provision of opportunities to facilitate access to a job, through mechanisms for the anticipation and development of competencies, including entrepreneurial ones, through the provision of opportunities for the pedagogical training of members of the target group who have in mind a university teaching career, by promoting the practical component of research aimed at the flexibility and development of sustainable relationships between companies (the business environment), universities and research institutes.
The target group of the Institute of National Economy - The target group targeted in the project consists of 3 successive series of doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers, respectively 27 doctoral students (9 people x 3 series), as well as 12 postdoctoral researchers (4 people x 3 series) , coming from less developed regions, especially the Northeast Region, without restrictions for candidates from other regions. The project is an interregional partnership made up of a public university, a research institute and a county employment agency. The support granted by the FSE will be directed only to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers who register their research in the priority areas of the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2014-2020, respectively in the intelligent research areas.
- PN III Project: PORTofoliu de instrumente inovative pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a comunităților rurale cu potențial turistic, prin valorificarea elementelor de patrimoniu și identitate culturală, code PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0884, No. 56PCCDI / 2018, Perioad: 2018-2021, website:, the project team
"PORT Cultural: PORTfolio of innovative tools for the sustainable development of rural communities with tourism potential, by capitalizing on elements of heritage and cultural identity" is financed by the Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) through Program 1 - The development of the national research-development system, Subprogramme 1.2 - Institutional performance and contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the field "Cultural heritage and identity" of the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2014 - 2020 (CDI 2014 - 2020).
The project aims to improve the institutional performance of the six research organizations, members of the consortium, by developing diversified research skills according to the institutional specifics of the partners in the consortium, in the vast field of protecting the cultural landscape and vernacular heritage in two reference areas: Bucovina and Southern Transylvania.
The solutions developed, of technological and non-technological innovation, will be delivered in "ready-to-use" format to the local public authorities in the target areas, to the economic environment and professional associations, to the owners of the built heritage, offering solutions to preserve the relevant elements , but also studies of sustainable development of tourist destinations that can capitalize on cultural heritage as a tourist resource, studies of entrepreneurial development in the rural environment, models of complex analysis of the impact of the development/modernization of cultural identity potential and integration into the (inter)national consumption circuit.
Component projects
- Ștefan cel Mare University, Suceava
- Gheorghe Asachi Technical University, Iasi
- Bucovina Institute of the Romanian Academy
- George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology, Târgu Mureș
- National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism, Bucharest
- Institute of National Economy, Bucharest
- PN II Research Program - Partnerships:
- The economic and social effects of the creative cultural industries in Romania
- Dialogue and social cohesion - factors of competitive economic growth
- Increasing the efficiency of the innovative SMEs financing in Romania in the conditions of EU integration and globalization
- CEEX excellence program, C1/2005 and C2/2006 competitions
The research topic included:
1. Demographic aging in Romania, economic and social implications
- project implementation period: 2005-2008
- IEN - coordinator of the research consortium
2. The sustainable development of Romania in a European and world context.
- project implementation period: 2005-2008
- IEN - partner in the research consortium
3. Policies, models and scenarios of economic growth in view of Romania's accession to the European Union.
- project implementation period: 2005-2008
- IEN - partner in the research consortium
4. Objective 3%. Tools and measures.
- project implementation period: 2005-2008
- IEN - partner in the research consortium
5. Economic growth, employment and competitiveness in the knowledge-based economy.
- project implementation period: 2005-2008
- IEN - partner in the research consortium
6. Distributed telematics system for the management and evaluation of technological innovation.
- project implementation period: 2005-2008
- IEN - partner in the research consortium
7. Advanced technical and economic forecasting models specific to Romania, for greenhouse gas emissions.
- project implementation period: 2005-2008
- IEN - partner in the research consortium
8. Correlation of macroeconomic policies with those in the field of research, development and innovation
- project implementation period: 2006-2008
- IEN - partner in the research consortium
1. Integration into the international research and design systems of social dialogue mechanisms for resolving labor conflicts and increasing the quality of life - project proposal PC 7 (project type P-INT-VIZ)
- project implementation period: 2006-2008
- IEN - partner in the research consortium
- IMPACT program - research service providers competition 2006 and 2007
- Institute of National Economy - provider of research and development services, listed in the list of accepted suppliers at position 30 (
- type of consultancy and/or technical assistance: feasibility studies, economic impact studies, business plan, market studies, financial management plan, cost-benefit analyses, technical assistance
- in stage I of the IMPACT projects - October-January 2006: 9 feasibility studies, 3 market studies and a business plan were developed
- in the second stage, January-May 2007: 6 feasibility studies and 3 business plans were developed
Projects financed from structural funds
The (post)doctoral school
Institute of National Economy was partner in 3 POSDRU projects, Axis 1.5:
- Project: ORIZONT 2020: Studii doctorale şi postdoctorale "Promovarea interesului naţional prin excelenţă, competitivitate şi responsabilitate în cercetarea ştiinţifică fundamentală şi aplicată românească", ID POSDRU/159/1.5/S/140106,,; beneficiary: Institute of World Economy; INE target group: 20 doctoral students and 25 postdoctoral students in Economics
- Period: 2014-2015
- Source: POS DRU
- INE: partner no. 1 (email add. for target group:; partners: Carol I National Defense University, Acad. Andrei Radulescu Legal Research Institute, Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Military Technical Academy, Osterreichish-Rumanischer Akademischer Verein (ORAV)
- for published works: ACKNOWLEDGMENT - RO: Lucrarea a beneficiat de suport financiar prin proiectul cu titlul "Studii doctorale și postdoctorale Orizont 2020: promovarea interesului național prin excelență, competitivitate și responsabilitate în cercetarea științifică fundamentală și aplicată românească", număr de identificare contract POSDRU/159/1.5/S/140106. Proiectul este cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. Investeşte în Oameni!; EN: This paper has been financially supported within the project entitled "Horizon 2020 - Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies: Promoting the National Interest through Excellence, Competitiveness and Responsibility in the Field of Romanian Fundamental and Applied Economic Research", contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/140106. This project is co-financed by European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013. Investing in people!"
- guide for doctoral students and postdoctoral students: Ghidul Conditii Specifice CPP 159
- details: general objective - supporting and promoting national interests in an international context by increasing the quality of doctoral and postdoctoral work in Romania, within a network based on gradual, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research cores, with an emphasis on developing the scientific and entrepreneurial capacity of the members of the target group. Horizontal objectives - Equal opportunities; Sustainable Development; Innovation and ICT; Active aging; Transnational approach; National approach: all regions are targeted
- INE project team: Valentina VASILE, Gheorghe ZAMAN, Florin Marius PAVELESCU, Victor PLATON, Gabriela PRELIPCEANU, Emilia ȚIȚAN, Steliana SANDU, George GEORGESCU, Zizi GOSCHIN, Mariana BALAN, Raluca MAZILESCU, Luminita HORSIA
- Project: SOCERT "Societatea cunoașterii, dinamism prin cercetare", ID POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132406,,, beneficiary: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava; INE target group: 45 doctoral students and 25 postdoctoral students in Economics, Announcement!
- Period: 2014-2015
- Source: POSDRU
- INE partner no. 1 (email add. for target group:; partner: University of Oradea
- objective: improving doctoral and postdoctoral research programs by supporting collaboration between universities and research institutes, as well as providing financial support for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers in order to increase motivation for developing a research career.
- INE project team: Valentina VASILE, Gheorghe ZAMAN, Emilia ȚIȚAN, Florin Marius PAVELESCU, Victor PLATON, Elena DRUICĂ, Steliana SANDU, Ileana MARGINEAN, Elena ZAMAN, Marcela MIHALACHE, Nicoleta BUNICA.
- Project: "Pluri si interdisciplinaritate in programe doctorale si postdoctorale", ID POSDRU/159/1.5/S/141086,,, beneficiary: Research Institute for Quality of Life; INE target group: 5 doctoral students and 4 postdoctoral students in Economics
- Period: 2014-2015
- Source: POSDRU
- INE: partner no. 2 (email add. for target group; partners: Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Mihai Viteazul National Academy of Information, Bucharest
- objective: increasing the quality of doctoral/postdoctoral university studies, initial training for research - through a pluri and interdisciplinary approach - providing consistent financial support and thus increasing the attractiveness of research career. The project pursues the integrated approach to the development of human resources by developing research management skills, career guidance and improving the quality of training, including networking with PhD advisors - specialists from different fields.
- INE project team: Valentina VASILE, Gheorghe ZAMAN, Anca Cristea, Marcela MIHALACHE.
- Project: CERBUN "Cercetarea ştiinţifică economică, suport al bunăstării şi dezvoltării umane în context european",,
- Period: 2010-2013
- Source: POSDRU
- INE: partner no. 5; partners: Costin C. Kiriţescu National Institute of Economic Research, Institute of Economic Forecasting, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Administration and Business, Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanics and Mechatronics
- objective: creating the prerequisites for research career development in economics for 70 graduates of doctoral studies, by including them in an interdisciplinary postdoctoral studies program.
- INE project team: Valentina Vasile, Gheorghe Zaman, Florin Marius Pavelescu, Steliana Sandu, Steliana Pert.
- Project: ASIC; coordinator: Petru Maior University, Tirgu Mures
- Source: POSDRU
- INE: project partner
- Project: Excelența în cercetarea interdisciplinara doctorala si postdoctorala, alternative de cariera prin inițiativa antreprenoriala (EXCIA), POCU/380/6/13/125245 no. 36482/23.05.2019,,
- objective: to support excellence in the entrepreneurial training of young researchers at doctoral and postdoctoral level, excellence based on an interdisciplinary approach, aimed at increasing the European sustainability of a career through innovative initiatives in research and in a wide spectrum of activities or by increasing employability in the economic, medical, sociological, social and legal sciences.
- Project: ”Viitor European: Integrare”
- ID: POCU/20/4.2/101916
- Beneficiary: Bîrca commune, Dolj county
- POCU 2014-2020
- Specific objective 4.2: Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalized communities (non-Roma), through the implementation of integrated measures
- INE is partner no. 3; partners: P1: ADRIAN PAUNESCU HIGH SCHOOL, BÎRCA, P2: S.C. 4MARE ELISIUM SRL-D
- Objective: Limiting the phenomenon of generalized poverty and social exclusion in the marginalized community (non-Roma) through integrated measures of education, training, employment, housing, health and social assistance.
- Project duration: 36 months, implementation period: 04.09.2017 – 03.09.2020
- INE is involved in the activities:
- Apprenticeship at work
- Assistance for starting a business
- Management and monitoring
- The project team: Gheorghe ZAMAN, Valentina VASILE, Nicoleta GUDĂNESCU, Raluca MAZILESCU, Marcela MIHALACHE, Ileana MĂRGINEAN
- Project: ”Doar împreună putem reuși – Măsuri integrate pentru combaterea marginalizării rurale”
- ID: POCU/18/4.1/101914
- Beneficiary: Cerăt commune, Dolj county
- POCU 2014-2020
- Thematic objective 9: Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination
- INE is partner no. 3; partners: P1: SECONDARY SCHOOL, CERĂT, P2: S.C. 4MARE ELISIUM SRL-D
- Objective: Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalized communities where there is a population belonging to the Roma minority, through the implementation of integrated measures
- Project duration: 36 months, implementation period: 04.09.2017 – 03.09.2020
- INE is involved in activities:
- Apprenticeship at work
- Assistance for starting a business
- Management and monitoring
- The project team: Gheorghe ZAMAN, Anca CRISTEA, Marius SURUGIU, Nicoleta GUDĂNESCU NICOLAU, Marcela MIHALACHE, Ileana MĂRGINEAN
- Project: ”Incluziune socială prin intervenții integrate inovativ și eficient”
- ID: POCU/18/4.1/101899
- Beneficiary: Coltău commune, Maramureș county
- POCU 2014-2020
- Thematic objective 9: Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination
- Objective: Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion from marginalized communities where there is a population belonging to the Roma minority, through the implementation of integrated measures
- Project duration: 36 months, implementation period: 04.09.2017 – 03.09.2020
- INE is involved in activities:
- Apprenticeship at work
- Assistance for starting a business
- Management and monitoring
- The project team: Valentina VASILE, Liviu MARIAN, Beatrice ȘTEFAN, Marcela MIHALACHE, Ileana MĂRGINEAN
International projects:
- Project: DIVERTIMENTO - "Diversifying tourism offers in peripheral destinations with heritage-based products and services, stakeholder-skills alliances to internationalize locally operating micro-enterprises", COS/TOUR DIVERTIMENTO/699493,,
- Period: 2016-2017
- Source: COSME
- INE is Partner PP5; other partners: Greece: Culturepolis (LP), Italy: Unicity S.R.L., Spain: Hotelofi S.R.L., Slovenia: Posejdon DOO, Bulgaria: Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities, Turkey: Eastern Black Development Agency, DOKA
- About the Project: DIVERTIMENTO diversifies tourism offers in peripheral destinations with heritage-based products and services, addressing stakeholder alliances and improving professional skills to internationalize locally operating micro-enterprises, achieve excellence and facilitate their uptake by the global market. The Project combats stakeholder fragmentation and detects the unexploited cultural potential in peripheral destinations by uniting forces and by replacing outdated skills and mind-sets with a new, shared vision for development. Seamlessly connected with tourism consumption points at place level, the product offers authentic and multicultural experiences along with needed tourism services, accessible in real time, such as accommodation, facilities, transport, catering, souvenirs and traditional products, open, indoor and artistic activities. The product builds an unprecedented opportunity to terminate the vicious circle of generating and distributing low quality tourism commodities exchangeable by price. Fully in accordance with the EU2020 GRAND SOCIETAL CHALLENGES and the NEW NARRATIVE FOR EUROPE, 2014, 7 peripheral destinations in Greece, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey capitalize on best practices from the international experience to create and launch a locally produced and globally distributed high quality experienced based product in heritage tourism. The final product is a Trilogy (Cultural Route, iBook, Heritage Games) inspired by the COE Principles for Cultural Routes, exploiting both the technology intense experience and the onsite experience in the territory. It enters the global distribution channel ITB Berlin in 2017 addressing primarily the connected consumer market, the senior and youth market. The Project Legacy with 102 tools will be inherited to the Statutory Association of Tourism Related Enterprises EUROTHENTICA, with seat in Rome, Italy, so as to maintain results and replicate project achievements.
- Project: Integrated approach for prevention of victimization in Roma communities, RO21-MAI-IGPR–PDP4, A1.1 – In-depth review of the state of crime victimization research
- Period: 2009 - 2014
- Source: Norwegian Financial Mechanisms
- INE: Partner
- Project: ALECTOR - "Collaborative Networks of Multilevel Actors to advance quality standards for heritage tourism at Cross Border Level", MIS ECT 2617,
- Period: 2013-2015
- Source: Black Sea CBC
- INE is Associate Partner 2; Lead Applicant and other partners: Lead Applicant – ENPI Beneficiary, Drama Development S.A. (D.D. S.A.), Greece, Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace; ENPI Partners: The National Authority for Tourism of Romania, Union Of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA), The National Association of Rural, Ecological and Cultural Tourism (ANTREC) -Moldova, Donetsk Civic Organization, Innovation and Research Center “Alliance”, The Batumi Archaeological Museum, Georgia, Adjara; IPA Financial Lead Beneficiary: Governorship of Istanbul, Turkey; IPA Partners: Eastern Black Sea Region and Eastern Black Sea Development Agency (DOKA), Bahcesehir University; Associate Partner1: University of the Aegean, Associate Partner3: Ukrainian Network for Education of Adults and Development of Innovation.
- About the Project: The need to produce high-added value tourism products and establish novel tourism policies to sustain later on locally produced heritage tourism, is strictly interwoven with the need to let collaborative networks and strategic partnerships emerge at cross border level. ALECTOR will involve actors from various administrative and social levels, so as to strengthen their capacity to effectively manage heritage for tourism. These collaborative networks will deliver three main outcomes: a) (re) activation of human capital by intense know-how transfer of innovative practices -directly deriving from research conducted, b) local authority empowerment by diffusing policies regarding heritage management and tourism planning and c) the development of local and regional strategic partnerships. By delivering local and regional strategic partnerships, ALECTOR encourages various action groups to co-operate, bring together key organizations, stakeholders and actors, from the three spheres of state, market and civil society, to identify further needs and priorities. ALECTOR proposes a cognitive and educational framework for using of a place’s assets, which would guide final beneficiaries (regions, communities, SMEs) to identify, signify, valorize and manage their natural and cultural resources, in order to use heritage potential as a vehicle for tourism. Most up to dated innovative know-how will result in visitor-centric communication policies, and policies about the management of leisure time, an issue directly related to the competitiveness of places’ and regions’ in the sector of tourism. These policies will enable final beneficiaries to develop tailor-made heritage strategies and defend their cultural assets against a globalizing world. By delivering a series of pilot projects to serve regions and localities as best practices ALECTOR helps diffuse project results at a cross border-wide level giving birth to further economic and social development. The overall objective of the project, is to improve the effectiveness of regional cultural heritage policies, improving in this way to the ability of partners and regions to develop high added value heritage tourism products and services.
- Project: SAGITTARIUS - "Launching (g)local level heritage entrepreneurship: strategies and tools to unite forces, safeguard the place, mobilize cultural values, deliver the experience" SEE/B/0016/4.3/X,, http://see-tcp-project-sagittarius...
- Period: 2011-2014
- Source: South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme
- INE is Partner PP8; other partners: University of the Aegean, Greece (LP), Poli- Local Authorities Network Greece,Municipalities Union of Sinello, Italy, Mountain Community Alto Basento, Italy, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgaria, Municipality of Devin, Bulgaria, Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions, Slovenia, National Institute for Research and Development in Tourism, Romania, Károly Róbert College, Hungary, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Romania, Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgaria, University of Chieti Pescara, Italy, Commission VI (of the Regional Council of Abruzzo, Italy, Synota, Anonymous Transmunicipal Development Agency, Greece, Patras Municipal Enterprise for Planning & Development, Greece, European Athneaum of Floral Art, Italy, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Greece, University of Zagreb, Croatia, District Council Of Soroca, Moldova
- About the Project: SAGITTARIUS is dedicated to the development and promotion of heritage entrepreneurships in the area of South East Europe. SAGITTARIUS is a Transnational Territorial Cooperation Project. It includes also countries with EU candidate status (IPA), and countries within the territorial zone of the European Neighborhood and partnership Instrument (ENPI). The common vision is to unite social forces and unlock the values of cultural heritage advancing cultural activity in everyday life across the SEE. Cultural consumption is a knowledge based activity: cultural products and services are viable, only if they possess widely recognized values. SAGITTARIUS advances cultural consumption by communicating cultural values: from natural monuments and ecosystems to sites and collections, from the arts to traditions and handicrafts. Thus values of tangible-intangible, movable-immovable and spiritual heritage assets become catalysts for regeneration and development by being revealed and communicated. Given the diversity and complexity of heritage, the use of cultural values for development is feasible, only if multilateral interactions are understood and reflected in policy and delivery. Required is a multivalent and flexible nexus at local-global level to mitigate the protection-use conflict reconciling national and international strategies. SAGITTARIUS provides the Cooperation Area with an activity mix to fully realize the socioeconomic potential of culture: put into practice is an integrative management system to classify and signify natural, man made and spiritual heritage assets and communicate their values to different audiences across the SEE. To promote entrepreneurial culture in the heritage sector, SAGITTARIUS encourages the formation of heritage entrepreneurs: a participatory knowledge platform transfers advanced tools among multilevel actors to protect and use heritage assets by identifying their environmental, social, historic, aesthetic, spiritual and special values; domain specific training certifies individuals with increased capacities certifying professional skills. Implemented pilot actions on a social inclusion basis, provide for cultural experience diversity connecting thus local cultural production to international markets. By activating public-private-third sector alliances, heritage entrepreneurship is established at transnational level, exemplifying, how heritage is valued, protected, communicated and used with ecologic, economic and social profit.
Read more:
In(di)visible Bucharest - History and Culture
Heritage as development mediator: Interpretation and management